
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Stegaros发电厂 in Tinn Municipality in Telemark County was commissioned in 2002.

  • 2002
    Entered into operation
  • 2 MW
  • 9.9、妇女

The power plant uses a height of fall between Lake Mårvatn and Lake Kalhovdfjorden. The plant has an installed capacity of 2.4 MW and an annual average production of 12 GWh.

The power plant uses a 2.4-kilometre-long head race tunnel from the intake in Lake Mårvatn. The height of fall is 30 metres.

Stegaros发电厂 under construction. (照片:十大最好的网赌平台公司)


十大最好的网赌平台 and Tinn Energi each own 50 per cent of Stegaros发电厂. Tinn Energi is the operator of this plant.

Stegaros发电厂 in a winter setting. (照片:十大最好的网赌平台公司)


公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 50%
Tinn Energi 50%

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